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article in a glossy magazine NOW!

Get the Perfect Pitch

Sounds so simple, doesn't it? Just write a great pitch, click send, and the media will be beating down your door. Look, I've shared the pitch my PR firm used to land one of our clients on Dr. Phil in just 8 hours after signing on. Sometimes it is simple. But most of the time it takes a lot of work. That's why I'm sharing this pitch and the formula we used to write it, so you can take action and create your own.

At one time or another, you've probably picked up a glossy magazine and immediately found yourself enrolled in a story about someone just like you doing something extraordinary to make a difference in the world. In fact, I bet you're up to something extraordinary too, or you wouldn't even be reading this. The truth is, I talk to potential clients all the time that are doing extraordinary things. And the media — and the public — doesn't know anything about them. They've done all the work necessary to make a difference in the world, but they haven't been able to bridge the gap and build a relationship with the media.

So accept this as my gift to you: the ACTUAL pitch (and formula) my PR firm used to grab the attention of top tier media like CNN, New York Times, Woman's World magazine, and more. And the story behind the pitch that landed an ordinary mom — doing extraordinary things — in a feature article, and also landed Deepak Chopra on the cover of the same glossy magazine in the process.

Simply send me your name and email address using the form on the right and I'll send you all the information right away.

From: Michelle Tennant <AskMichelle@PublicityResults.com>

Date: Friday, August 07, 2009 7:05 PM

Subject: [Go to Uganda] Mom on a mission to uplift women, children in Uganda

To: Allan Richter, Energy Times Magazine

Hello Allan,

When faced with the enormity of suffering in places like Africa, many people feel powerless. Vivian Glyck, a successful marketing director, decided to follow the words of Mahatma Gandhi to “Be the change you wish to see in the world.”

After learning about the horrific numbers of children dying from malaria and orphaned by AIDS, Vivian in 2006 founded Just Like My Child, a relief organization that works directly with women and their families in central Uganda. The foundation uses what is called Deep Development™ to empower communities, village by village, to move toward self-reliance through healthcare, education and microenterprise financing.

Vivian was inspired by the birth of her son Zak to realize that mothers facing extreme poverty love their children and want the best for them. The foundation’s successes so far include providing 1,000 mothers with AIDS treatment, sparing 2,000 to 6,000 children from becoming orphans, and saving hundreds of mothers and babies at childbirth through medical interventions.